Mobile PackOut Bench Accessories Kit


We supply the KNEX accessories, and the templates, you supply the plywood and PackOuts.  In about an hours time, you can build yourself a basic system!

Check out the build video here!

Availability: In Stock
Starting at $0.00
Please make your choices below
Clear Selections
  • $97.90 Basic Build Kit
  • $22.00 Uni-Latch Set
  • $9.90 Basic Latch (qty 2)

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Basic Build Kit DOES NOT include the wood OR ANY SUBSTRATE MATERIAL (We plan to in the future)

What The Basic Build Kit Includes:

  • 2 sets of slide mounts (for the top of the middle board)
  • 16 feet - 8 for the center board, 8 for the top board
  • Wood screws for all the plastic KNEX parts
  • A full scale drawing that must be used to pre-drill for the KNEX mounting holes
  • A full scale drawing of the edge of the lower shelf (between the dollies) to use as a cut template
  • A QR code to scan for an instructional

Available drawings under the documents tab (Downloadable PDF)

  • A set of drawings to aid in layout
  • Dimensional Drawings of the setup in the video

About the Accessories:

  • The Uni-Latch set will allow you to mount a single PackOut box or 2 compacts on the board if so desired for another application
  • The basic latch set will allow you to latch in only the full size PackOut box
  • The above is supplied with wood screws
  • NOTE: Neither of the latches are required and the system will still work without it.  However if you plan to be rolling around a lot, it is recommended for safety.
  • If you are looking to add the side mount for the compacts, purchase an additional set of Slide Mounts Here

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Basic Build Kit DOES NOT include the wood bench.  (We plan to in the future) You must supply that on your own.  You can cut the overall width to any dimension, just be sure to keep the centerlines on the template lined up for accuracy. This build does require a basic to moderate skill level to build and assemble.


See it in action!
